Tampa Bay EDC

Tampa Bay goes global again! Virgin’s new direct flight to London accelerates UK/Europe/Florida trade, GTB Initiatives

Our global trade and foreign direct investment programs weathered a few tough years in 2020-2021 thanks to COVID-19, but I am happy to report that foreign interest in the Tampa market is hotter than ever today.

Our International Business Development team has several high quality foreign direct investment projects in our pipeline, and we expect to announce a number of them this fiscal year. In January, we welcomed Australia-based Autoslide’s relocation of its North American headquarters from California to Tampa and will be announcing our next project in early March. What a great start to 2023!

We are very excited to partner with Tampa International Airport, Virgin Atlantic, and Global Tampa Bay allies Pinellas County Economic Development and Pasco EDC on our spring mission to the United Kingdom. Our delegation will depart on April 11 for a four day trip to London for foreign direct investment meetings, delegate activities and a VIP Reception at Virgin Atlantic to celebrate the new direct flight. If you’re an EDC Investor and would like to join us as a delegate, we would love to have you on the trip. Space is limited, so please contact our International Business Manager, Brett Simons, at bsimons@tampabayedc.com for more information.

The United Kingdom is the largest foreign investor in the state of Florida, contributing nearly 67,000 jobs to our economy. Now is a great time to strengthen our business relations with the UK and attract more high value European companies to Tampa Bay. I hope you’ll consider joining us.






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