Tampa Bay EDC

Tampa Soars in Rankings, Tops Destinations Millennials are Moving to Now

March Madness is in full swing – how’s your bracket faring? – and college sports fans who look forward to this time each year are psyched about another exciting season.  Here at the EDC, we’re reveling in a season of fantastic rankings. Tampa’s winning streak continues, and each new ranking seems to top the one that came before it. March began with a new report from Dice that said Tampa tech salaries are rising faster than in Silicon Valley – something that should help us draw more sought after, highly skilled tech talent considering relocation to our market. Time Magazine named Tampa one of the World’s Greatest Places of 2023. Forbes named Tampa Bay the best place to live in Florida. And USA Today rated our Riverwalk as the #2 best riverwalk in the country.

It’s no secret that Tampa Bay is booming with new residents. Among those movers are highly coveted Millennials – especially well educated, dual-income couples who are now getting past the student loan debt and effects of the Great Recession that resulted in many putting off marriage, homebuying, and having kids. Tampa is one of the top ten markets these Millenials are moving to now, according to SmartAsset. Tampa Bay held the #4 spot in overall population gain in the country, according to LinkedIn’s Workforce Report for March. Where are all of these new folks coming from? USA Today reported that Florida is the number one destination for relocating New Yorkers – something that’s been a trend for a while but is only accelerating. Other top markets contributing new residents to Tampa Bay include Georgia, Virginia, Texas, and New Jersey. You’ll discover even more detailed information about our net in-migration in these two stories:

How many people moved to Tampa this past year?

Where are new Hillsborough County residents moving from?

As always, I am grateful to you for making Tampa Bay the kind of community Americans can’t wait to move to and build their future lives and careers.






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