Tampa Bay EDC

A Season of Gratitude, Joy and Greater Prosperity

As we prepare to gather with friends and family for the holidays, I am reminded of how much closer our lives have returned to normal from the gloomy circumstances that marred our celebrations last year. It’s really quite remarkable when you stop and think about all that’s happened in 2021. Vaccines to protect against the worst effects of COVID are readily available. Our tourism and convention business is on fire once again. Restaurants are so busy that it’s hard to find a reservation. And the tremendous number of new companies and residents coming to Tampa Bay is helping to transform our region at a pace we could scarcely imagine.

My team and I are fired up about the future. Our placemaking initiatives are gaining momentum, we’re collaborating with our college, university and career training partners to ensure that our workforce has the skills our employers require, and our business development team is busy working exciting new projects that are coming to us from all over the country. As Les Brown said, “a setback is a setup for a comeback.” We are in position for a great comeback.

We are sincerely grateful to our Investors, partners, and allies in the community for their constant collaboration and support of this EDC. As a region, we’ve come so far in the last ten years, and this next decade will see Tampa and Hillsborough County grow significantly in terms of population, prosperity and national recognition. All of us have a role to play in this exciting evolution of our community, and together we need to dream big.

We wish you all very happy and festive holidays and a healthy and successful New Year in 2022.


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