Tampa Bay EDC

Investor Spotlight: Google

Google is an American multinational technology company focusing on online advertising, search engine technology, cloud computing, computer software, quantum computing, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, and consumer electronics.

Taylor Ferguson, Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy in the Southeast, United States

Taylor Ferguson serves as Google’s Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy in the Southeast, United States where he will help craft, influence and advocate for Google’s policy positions related to their core products while building and strengthening relationships with state and local elected officials and community leaders. Ferguson is a Palm Beach native, now based in Tampa, and a graduate of Florida Gulf Coast University with a bachelor’s degree in political communication.

Google is a new EDC Investor, why do you feel it’s important to support economic development? 

The amount of construction downtown and overall growth the past few years has gotten too big for companies to ignore. Companies and people are relocating to Tampa at an alarming rate and it’s important that our colleges, universities and workforce support this level of growth and maintain a talented hiring pool to keep jobs in our area.

Tell us about some of Google’s philanthropic efforts or philosophies on giving back.

Google.org, our philanthropic arm, is committed to getting involved with Florida’s education system to properly prepare Floridians for in-demand jobs in the technology industry. In addition to funding coding classes at various Florida colleges we offer career certificates to help people excel or pivot in their careers to learn a new skillset. Currently, these classes include cybersecurity, software IT, UX design and others and are currently being offered locally at HCC and St. Pete College.

As a new Tampa resident, what’s your favorite thing about the community that you’ve experienced so far?

The pride Tampa residents have for their city is definitely one of the things that attracted me most to this area. Watching the city rally around the Bolts and Bucs in the playoffs was really exciting to see. Especially growing up in such a seasonal town like Palm Beach.

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