Tampa Bay EDC

Lazy Days of Summer? Not for Us!

This month marks my eighth anniversary as CEO and President of the Tampa Bay EDC.  When I was hired in 2016, I was convinced that Tampa had almost everything it needed to make a quantum leap forward as a top US destination for business and talent. I thought it was one of the best kept secrets in the country. The leaders on the committee that hired me understood what this region needed to rise to the next level. They had a clear vision for Tampa and Hillsborough County’s future, understood its competitive advantages, and were candid about its weaknesses. Within their spheres of influence, they were ruthlessly focused on moving us forward. In many cities, individual agendas stymie progress and the business community is left spinning its wheels. Not here. Once I knew who was in charge of shaping this region’s future, I was all in. I couldn’t wait to get here and help accelerate our momentum.

Today, Tampa is a city transformed. Water Street Tampa, a collection of renderings when I arrived, is now a spectacular city within a city. USF is the fastest growing public university in the country. It has achieved preeminence and prestigious AAU membership, something that its leadership doggedly pursued for nearly two decades. The University of Tampa has quadrupled student enrollment and is now among the best regional universities in the South. Hillsborough Community College serves over 45,000 students in campuses throughout the county and has booming programs in skilled trades. Our nascent efforts to attract, retain and elevate young talent and entrepreneurs has morphed into Make it Tampa Bay, a nationally recognized partnership between the EDC, Visit Tampa Bay and Hillsborough County. We’re one of the top destinations in the US for net in-migration, and Hillsborough County’s wages are the third highest in Florida, behind Miami and Palm Beach. I could go on and on when it comes to our collective achievements. Our secret clearly got out, and the world is beating a path to Tampa’s door.

Despite these well-earned successes, I never imagined that we’d launch a Foundation, a Community Development division, or make Placemaking one of the EDC’s three strategic priorities. I never dreamed that we’d be partnering with Tampa General Hospital and USF Health College of Medicine to develop and promote a world-class medical district. These projects will have tangible impact on neighborhoods and residents that have yet to feel the benefits of Tampa’s increasing prosperity. We’re on the cusp of yet another major transformation in Hillsborough County – and the hard work hasn’t even started yet. Just as the leaders who stood up this EDC 15 years ago did in 2009, today’s leaders will have to stay focused and committed to a vision that won’t be fully realized for years. But we’ve been there and done that – so I know we’ll succeed again.

While there’s always plenty of work to do, I hope you will find time to take a break, enjoy great times with your friends and families, and reflect on what you’ve accomplished for this community so far. It’s absolutely incredible.

Have a great summer!


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