Tampa Bay EDC

Tampa Bay EDC celebrates its 15 year anniversary!

In 2009, the leadership of the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce, as the Tampa Bay Chamber was then known, decided that it was time to spin out the business recruitment activities performed by the Committee of 100 and establish a standalone economic development organization. In October of that year, the Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corporation, as we were then known, was born.

The fledgling economic development organization quickly found its groove and by its second full year of operations, it had already recruited close to 6,000 new jobs and nearly $275,000,000 in capital investment. Tampa was on the path to becoming the success story it is today, thanks to the vision and unwavering commitment of our leadership, Investors and local government partners.

By the end of fiscal year 2023, the Tampa Bay Economic Development Council helped relocating and expanding companies add 43,162 new jobs and invest over $3.7 billion in Tampa and Hillsborough County’s local economy. For those leaders who believed in Tampa’s promise from the start, this was no surprise. It was the fulfillment of a dream made possible by a ruthless focus on achieving the goals set forth in our strategic plans, consistently excellent leadership, and stable public and private sector support.

Another key to the Tampa Bay EDC’s success has been our ability to swiftly adapt to rapidly changing political and economic environments over the past decade and a half. New strategic partnerships and initiatives such as our global marketing, placemaking, and talent attraction and development campaigns have shaped Tampa’s current identity as “Florida’s New ‘It’ City” (thanks, Travel + Leisure!)

To commemorate our first fifteen years of innovation and success, we are introducing a special 15 Year Anniversary logo. You’ll see this logo and periodic highlights of our organization’s major milestones in the coming months leading up to our 2024 Annual Meeting on October 23.

The Tampa Bay EDC’s success is the result of years of steady commitment and support from our leadership, board, investors, partners, and the businesses in this community. Thank you all for everything you contribute to making Tampa and Hillsborough County the best place for business in America.






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